What Cannot Be Shipped By Our Warehouse

Please do not ship goods considered *DANGEROUS/PROHIBITED* to your new MyRushPack address.
These include (vaping kits or parts, lighters, combustibles, perfumes, explosives, weapons, lithium batteries, nail polish and some cosmetics, body spray or any thing in compressed air cans or bottles etc.)

If you ship any of these items, you must contact the vendor to request a return label. The is a $30 EC processing charge for each package to be returned by the warehouse with your return label.

If the package has other items and you would like to split or remove a flammable item, the warehouse charge is $18 USD

If you fail to provide the requirements for processing your return, i.e. ( your return label and Cash Payment of $30 EC ), the package will be automatically discarded after 25 days t avoid storage fees from accumulating.

Still unsure about certain items you want to ship? PLEASE COMMUNICATE WITH US FOR GUIDANCE BEFORE YOUR ORDER IS PLACED!

If you still have questions do not hesitate to reach out by leaving a comment below, eMail – myrushpack@gmail.com, call or TEXT to 767-245-9992.

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